Title | :: |
Mobility Aware Caching In D2d Networks |
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India |
Authors | :: |
V.Ranjitha || K.Vetri Selvi || S.Kumaran M.E |
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01-03 |
Recent Trends Show That Internet Traffic Is Increasingly Day By Day, Which Is Accompanied By The Exponential Growth Of Traffic. To Cope With This Phenomena, Network Caching Is Introduced To Utilize The Storage Capacity Of Diverse Network Devices. In This Paper, We First Summarize Four Basic Caching Placement Strategies, I.E., Local Caching, Device-To-Device (D2d) Caching, Small Cellbase Station (Sbs) Caching And Macrocell Base Station (Mbs) Caching. However, Studies Show That So Far, Much Of The Research Has Ignored The Impact Of User Mobility. Therefore, Taking The Effect Of The User Mobility Into Consideration, We Proposes A Joint Mobility-Aware Caching And Sbs Density Placement Scheme (Ms Caching). In Addition, Differences And Relationships Between Caching And Computation Offloading Are Discussed. We Present A Design Of A Hybrid Computation Of, Which Improved Performance In Terms Of Energy Cost. Finally, We Discuss The Design Of An Incentive Mechanism By Considering Network Dynamics, Differentiated User's Heterogeneity Of Mobile Terminals In Terms Of Caching And Computing Capabilities.
Keywords: -Caching; Computation Offloading; Human Mobility
[2]. M. Ji, G. Caire, And A. Molisch, "Fundamental Limits Of Caching In Wireless D2d Networks," Ieee Trans. Inf. Theory, Vol. 62, No. 2, Pp.849 – 869, Feb. 2016.
[3]. X. Peng, J. Zhang, S. Song, And K. B. Letaief, "Cache Size Allocation In Backhaul Limited Wireless Networks," In Proc. Ieee Int. Conf. On Commun.(Icc), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2016.
[4]. R. Wang, X. Peng, J. Zhang, And K. B. Letaief, "Mobility-Aware Caching For Content-Centric Wireless Networks: Modeling And Methodology," Ieee Commun. Mag., Vol. 54, No. 8, Pp. 77–83, Aug. 2016.
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An Algorithm for Dynamic SDN Controller in Data Centre Networks |
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india |
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Nirmala || Oliveruth || Varun |
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04-08 |
The Geographic And Opportunistic Routing With Depth Adjustment Based Topology Control For Communication Recovery Over Void Regions Uses The Greedy Opportunistic Forwarding To Route Packets And To Move Void Nodes To New Depths To Adjust The Topology. Simulation Results Shown That MANET Outperforms The Baseline Solutions In Terms Of Packet Delivery Ratio, Latency And Energy Per Message. The Objective Of The Topology Control Algorithm Is To Adjust The Transmission Power To Minimize Interference Taking Into Account The Delay Constraint Also To Find The Duplicate Data. To Minimize The Delay For Transmission Of Data. In Opportunistic Routing, Each Packet Is Broadcast To A Forwarding Set Composed Of Several Neighbours. The Packet Will Be Retransmitted Only If None Of The Neighbours In The Set Receives It. Opportunistic Routing Can Work Together With Geographic Routing And Improve Data Delivery.
Keywords: - AODV Algorithm, Cluster Forming, Data Centre Networks, Reliable Minimum Energy Routing,
Software Defined Networks.
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Advanced Military Spying and Bomb Disposal Robot |
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India |
Authors | :: |
Senthamizh.R || Subbu Lakshmi.P || Subhashree.P || Prof. M.Priyadarshini |
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09-11 |
In This Project We Are Going To Merge Two Applications That Is SPYING And BOMB DISPOSAL.
Here A Camera Is Attached To The Mini Spy Robot. The Motors Will Be Run By The Relays Which Will Be Then
Controlled Through Remote Via RF Module. The Work Is Designed To Develop A War Field Robot Which Is
Capable Of Disposing Bombs Landmines In Its Path And Which Is Wirelessly Controlled Through RF Module.
The Robot Can Be Moved In All The Directions Using The Remote Wirelessly. The Controlling Device Of The
Whole System Is A ARDUINO. The Circuit Complexity Is Reduced And Performance Speed Is Increased By
Using The Arduino. Whenever , Landmines Or Bombs Are Detected It Alerts Through Blinking Of LED's Of
System. The Arduino Used In The Project Are Programmed Using Arduino Software Language. Just By Using A
ROBOT From Any Area.
Keywords: - Bomb Disposal Sensor, Intelligent Robot And RF Module.
[1]. Dr. B.Subrahmanyeswara Rao, C.Soumya, G.Shamala Siresha, M. Sushma, N. Sai Priyanka"PC Controlled Bomb Detection And
Diffusion Robot"International Journal Of Advanced Research In Electrical, Electronics And Instrumentation Engineering (An ISO
3297: 2007 Certified Organization)Vol. 5, Issue 4, April 2016.
[2]. Saurabh Nalwade "Robots For Surveillance In Military Applications"International Journal Of Electronics And Communication
Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976 –6464(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6472(Online), Volume 5, Issue 9, September (2014).
[3]. Ankita Patel, Kinjal Chaudhari, Dattukumar Patel "Touch Screen Controlled Multipurpose Spy Robot Using Zigbee"International
Journal Of Advanced Research In Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) Volume 3 Issue 4, March 2014.
[4]. Sagar Randive, Neha Lokhande, Apoorva Kamat , Shubhrojit Chakraborty, Vishal Pande "Hand Gesture Recognition Bomb
Diffusing Surveillance Robot" International Journal Of Engineering Research And Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
National Conference On Emerging Trends In Engineering & Technology (VNCET-30 Mar'12) .
Title | :: |
Detection Of Sudden Pedestrsin Crossing And Avoidance Of Vehicular Crashes |
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India |
Authors | :: |
U.Aiswarya || G.Keerthi || S.Kumaran M.E. |
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12-14 |
Considered as a weak point in road and railway infrastructure, improving level crossings (LCs) safety became an important field of academic research and took increasing transport undertaking concerns. Improving the safety of people and road facilities is an essential key element to ensuring good operation of the road transport. Statistically, nearly 44% of LC users have a negative perception of the environment, which consequently increases the risk of accidents. For example, when an accident occurs, the transport operator waits for a road user noticing the accident at the LC premises to warn the traffic centre that something bad is happening at the LC.Then, the operator at the traffic centre calls all the approaching trains to tell them to stop immediately without any additional information. This is a "blind" way of managing LC incidents. According to Griffon, human errors cause 99% of accidents at the LCs, 93% of which are caused by road users. For this purpose, road and railway safety professionals from several countries have been focused on providing an LC that is as safe as possible. Actions are planned to exchange information and provide experiments for improving the management of LC safety and performance.
[1]. N. Noboru, "A study of sensing for sudden pedestrian movements", in Proc. ITS World Congress, October 2012, pp. 1–10.
[2]. S.Zhang , C.bauckhage, D.A.Klein and A.B.CREMERS, "Exploring Human Vision driven features for pedestrian detection", IEEE
Trans.Circiuts,Syst. Video Technol., vol. 25, no. 10, pp.1709-1720,Oct.2015.
[3]. T.Gandhi and M.M.Trivedi, "pedestrian protection systems: issues, survey, and challenges," IEEE Trans.Intel.Transport.Syst.vol.8,
no.3, pp. 413-430, Sept 2007.
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Position and Health Monitoring System Using Iot and Raspberry Pi |
Country | :: |
India |
Authors | :: |
K.Thendralarasi || J.Sathviga || R.Anandan |
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15-19 |
Health Monitoring Is Playing An Important Role In Soldier's Life.More And More Users Or Soldiers Have Used Medical Iot Sensors Such As The Blood Pressure Sensors And Heartbeat Sensors.They Wear These Sensors, And These Sensors Will Monitor Their Health Data Every Time.The Collected Information Is Monitored In Iot.In The Emergency Case The Soldiers Can Press The Emergency Button For Help.If The Soldiers Were Fired The Help Command Is Given From The Iot Server To The Nearersoldier.Theiot Medical Sensors Will Send The Sensor Information Every Time And So The Sensor's Data Will Arrive At Tb-Class Or Pb-Class.The Traditional Storage Mechanismcan't Satisfy The Requirements.So We Use The Cloud Technologies In Proposed System.
Keywords -..............
[1] Forgy, C.L. Rete: A Fast Algorithm For The Many Pattern/Manyobject Pattern Match Problem [J]. Artificial
Intelligence.19(1982).Pp: 17-37.
[2] D. P. Miranker. Treat: A Better Match Algorithm For Aiproduction Systems[C]. In Proceedings Of Aaai 87 Conferenceon Artificial
Intelligence, Pages 42-47, August 1987.
[3] J.Blumenthal Et Al.,"Weightedcentriod Localization In Zigbee-Based Sensor Networks".In Ieee International Symposium On
Intelligent Signal Processing.Pp.1-6 Oct 2007
[4] W.H.Kuo Et Al.,"An Intelligent Positioning Approach:Rssi-Based Indoor And Outdoor Localization Scheme In Zigbee Networks." In International Conference On Machine Learning Cybernetics,Qingdao,Pp.2754-2759,July2010
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Effective Inter-Operability between Ipv6 Networks through Tunneling and Dual Stack Mechanism |
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India |
Authors | :: |
S.Geetha || B.Shivaranjani || D.Sowbarnika || Mrs.G.Latha |
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20-24 |
This paper presents the performance analysis on IPv6 data networks and based on the migration mechanism from IPv4 to IPv6. IPv4 network has limitation in terms quality parameter address space, latency and throughput and these parameters is affecting the overall performance of application. In this project, IPv6 network with migration techniques are proposed to overcome these limitations and to improve the system performance. The entire project will be implemented through simulation tools GNS-3, VPCS 2.0 and Wire shark and these tools has excellent features in designing advanced concepts with complex networks and quality analysis. As a solution, Tunneling and Dual stack concept is proposed to transmit IPv6 packet through IPv4 network that achieves fully convergence in IPv6 network. QoS analysis will be made in terms of latency and throughput parameter.
Key words: - IPv4/IPv6 transition, tunneling, dual stack
[1]. Pyung Soo Kim, "Analysis and Comparison of Tunneling based IPv6 Transition Mechanisms", International Journal of Applied
Engineering Research, vol.12, no.6, 2017.
[2]. SheetalBorse et al and Sheryl Radley et al, "A detail Comparative Review on IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack Coexistence Technique",
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, vol.80, June 2016.
[3]. Farouk Abdul Jalin, Nor Effendy Othman, "A Review of Mobile IP Protocol for the implementation on Dual Stack Mobility
Management", Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, vol.87, no.3, 31st May 2016.
[4]. FebbyNurFatch et al, M. Mehran Arshad Khan et al, "Enhancing Data Dissemination in Dual-Stack Enterprise Hybrid Networks
through Link State Routing Protocols", International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering,
vol.4, Issue 6, June 2016.
Title | :: |
Utilization Of Zigbee Module In Rssi Localizationapplication Inside Prison |
Country | :: |
India |
Authors | :: |
Gokula Brindha.B || Arul Jothi.S || Prof. Saranya.S |
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25-31 |
Existing researches on location tracking focus either entirely on indoor or entirely on outdoor by using different devices and techniques. Several solutions have been proposed to adopt a single location sensing technology that fits in both situations. This paper aims to track a user position in both indoor and outdoor environments by using a single wireless device with minimal tracking error. RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) technique together with enhancement algorithms is proposed to cater this solution. The proposed RSSI-based tracking technique is divided into two main phases, namely the calibration of RSSI coefficients (deterministic phase) and the distance along with position estimation................
Keywords -Global Robot localisation,Kalman filtering radio frequency identification (RFID) Technology.
[1] R. Tesoriero, J. A. Gallud, M. D. Lozano, and V. M. R. Penichet, "Tracking autonomous entities using RFID technology," IEEE
Trans. Consum.Electron., vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 650–655, May 2009.
[2] M. Boccadoro, F. Martinelli, and S. Pagnottelli, "Constrained and QuantizedKalman filtering for an RFID robot localization
problem," Auto. Robots, vol. 29, nos. 3–4, pp. 235–251, 2010.
[3] B.-S. Choi, J.-W.Lee, J.-J.Lee, and K.-T. Park, "A hierarchical algorithm for indoor mobile robot localization using RFID sensor
[4] IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 2226–2235, Jun. 2011.
[5] P. Yang, W. Wu, M. Moniri, and C. C. Chibelushi, "Efficient object localization using sparsely distributed passive RFID tags,"
IEEE Trans.
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An Penta -Modal Physiological Characteristics For Realistic Authentication Of An Individual |
Country | :: |
India |
Authors | :: |
S.Sangeetha || J.Priya |
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32-36 |
Biometrics is also used to identify individuals in groups that are under surveillance. Biometric identifiers are distinctive, measurable characteristics used to label and specifically describe individuals. A trimodal biometric system combines two or more biometric data recognition results to increase the performance of authentication systems that prevents unauthorized users from authentication and reduces False acceptance rate. The main aim of this paper is to provide multilevelauthentication in biometric systems. Tri-modal biometric is the usage of multiple biometric indicators by personal identification systems for identifying the individuals. Tri-modal authentication provides more level of authentication than uni-modal biometrics which uses only one biometric data such as fingerprint or face or palm print or iris. In this paper, we are using face, finger vein and iris of a person for the automatic identification of an individual by combining face ,finger vein and iris of a person at the matching-score level. A technique called Minutiae matching and Edge detection is used for this purpose.
Keywords-authentication, different methods, multiple biometrics, secured, un authentication.
Title | :: |
A Iot-Based Farm Management System In Modern Cities Using Image Processing |
Country | :: |
India |
Authors | :: |
R.Divya || A.Hemalatha || M.Priyadarshini M.E. |
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37-39 |
The recent technological advances have paved the way for developing and offering advanced services for the stakeholders in the agricultural sector. A paradigm shift is underway from monolithic tools to internet based systems that will enable more effective collaboration between stakeholders. This new paradigm includes the technological support of application developers to create specialized services that will seamlessly interoperate, thus creating a sophisticated and customisable working environment for the users. Here in this project, the system is like smart agriculture where it detects insect damage on cultivated crops through monitoring and updates the information through Ethernet. This system makes automatic irrigation possible, so in the end it reduces the manpower involved.
Keywords - automatic irrigation, insect damage, smart agriculture.
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Lightweight Mash up Middleware for Coal Mine Safety Monitoring and Control Automation |
Country | :: |
India |
Authors | :: |
Gayathri.V || Krishnaveni.S || Nithya B || Prof. Saranya.S |
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40-44 |
The Mine Safety Monitoring System Plays A Major Concern In Almost All The Countries As It Requires Large Amount Of Explosive Gases And Chemicals For Its Operation. The Life Of Miners In Underground Environment Is Of Major Concern In Considering The Safety Measures In Mine Sectors. In Coal Mines, Whenever Explosions Or Any Gas Leakage Occur, The Mine Workers Are Not Aware Of The Environmental Condition Inside Coal Mine Because The Wired Mine Monitoring Systems May Be Destroyed Or Damaged. This Makes The Life Of Workers Very Risky. It Also Takes Some Time For The Rescue Workers To Reach The Spot. This Project Addresses An Economical And Continuous Monitoring System Of Underground Mine Workers' Protection And Security. Gas Sensors Are Used For Monitoring Underground Parameters Using Wsn (Wireless Sensor Network). A Microcontroller Based System Is Used For Collecting And Storing Data And Making Decision Accordingly, Based On Which The Mine Worker Is Informed Through The Alert System. The Communication System Is Reliable Based On Zigbee Ieee 802.15.4 Standard. This Is Used For Wireless Transmission Between The Hardware Circuit Fitted With The Mine Station And The Ground Control Computer System Through Some Routers.
Title | :: |
Area Efficient Hierarchical Signal Detector Approach For MIMO OFDM |
Country | :: |
India |
Authors | :: |
b.Divya || t.Keerthana || mohan Priya || Mr.M.Jaya Mohan |
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45-49 |
Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (Mimo) Based Index Modulation Has The Advantage Of High Data Rate And Low Complexity Transmission Which Drawn Great Attention Recently. And On The Other Side Due To Invention Of Digital Video Broadcasting 16-Qam And 64-Qam Schemes Are Most Widely Used In Recent Wireless Systems. In This Paper We Introduce A Novel Low-Complexity Signal Detector Enabled Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (Mimo) Detector Tailored With Im Systems, Suitable For Efficient Low Complexity System With Tolerable Error Rate. The Actual Im Methods Has No Diversity Gain Which Causes A Significant Reduction In The System Performance. In This Paper To Eliminate The Bad Effects Of The Channel Assignment Of The Im, Novel Ml Based Mimo Systems With Index Modulation Technique (Ml-Mimo-Im) Is Proposed. Here The Efficient Hybrid Ml Sub Detector System Is Used To Achieve Superior Performance Compared To The Conventional Mimo Detectors. The Performance Of The Proposed Design Is Close To The Existing Mimo Scheme, While Resulting In A Significantly Lower Complexity. The Efficiency Of Mimo Over High Order Constellations Are Verified Through Matlab Ber Simulation And Complexity Reduction Is Also Proved To Be An Efficient One.
Keywords - Mimo, Spatial Modulation, Index Modulation, Bit Error Rate , Ml Detector Etc.
Title | :: |
Femtosecond Soliton Interaction in Tapered Non-Kerr Media |
Country | :: |
India |
Authors | :: |
S.Nandhini || T.K.Shanthi |
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50-55 |
Under Investigation In This Paper Is An Inhomogeneous Tapered Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation By Including Cubic Quintic Term Which Is Used To Describe About The Femtosecond Pulse Propagation In Tapered Non-Kerr Media. By Increasing The Input Intensity Of Pulse Further The Kerr Media Tends To Non- Kerr Media. Here We Constructed Lax Pair Via Akns Technique And After Satisfying Lax Pair The Obtained Equation Is Further Analyzed By Using Darboux Transformation To Obtain Two Soliton Solution. And Here As The Pulse Is Propagating In A Tapered Fiber Pulse Compression Can Be Achieved. Henceforth The Results Obtained In This Paper Will Have A Qualitative Application For Pulse Compression In Dispersion–Managed Fiber.
Keywords - Cubic Quintic, Nls, Akns Technique, Non-Kerr Media.
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